By Dr Claire Hutchinson

Evaluation of a transition program to increase the expectations of open employment as a viable career pathway post-school for students (Years 9 to 12) with disabilities.
This mixed methods evaluation was led by Dr Claire Hutchinson and consisted of Easy Read surveys students completed before and after the program as well as qualitative interviews with students, parents, teachers, and employers. The study found that the program did result in more students believing that open employment was a desired and viable option for their post-school employment. In addition, the program helped students clarify their career goals and helped them to recognise their interests and skills. A key positive feature of the project highlighted by students, teachers and parents was the inclusion of speakers who were people with lived experience of disability who had been successful in sustained open employment. The project is due to finish in June 2024 when the team finishes their follow up to identify the post-school outcomes of students who completed the program and have now left school.